A gasoline engine is a thermodynamic engine consists of a set of parts or devices and mobile phones, whose main function is to transform the chemical energy produced by combustion provides a mixture of air and fuel into mechanical energy or motion. When there is this transformation of chemical energy into mechanical work can be made useful, for example, moving a motor vehicle as a car or car, or any other mechanism, as it could be an electrical generator.
Similarly, the mechanical energy that provides a heat engine can move any other appropriate mechanism that fits the same such as an electrical generator, water pump, the blade of a lawnmower, and so on.
In general the internal combustion engines can be of two types, according to the fuel used to operate:
1. Explosion or gas
1. Explosion or gas
2. Internal combustion diesel
While internal combustion engines using gasoline (or gas, or even alcohol) as fuel, internal combustion diesel use only diesel (diesel).
If you ever compare the parties or structurally fundamental mechanisms that make a gasoline engine and a diesel engine, we see that in many respects are similar, while others are completely different, although in both cases the principle is similar.
Both petrol engines and the diesel can be used to perform the same functions, but when great powers need to be developed as needed to move a locomotive, a ship or a generator of electric current generation large capacity are used only diesel internal combustion engines.
Both petrol engines and the diesel can be used to perform the same functions, but when great powers need to be developed as needed to move a locomotive, a ship or a generator of electric current generation large capacity are used only diesel internal combustion engines.
Small gasoline engine
mated to a lawn mower.
mated to a lawn mower.
exelente tema y sobre todo tan bien redactado